Love Notes

Jason and Erin have full access to this website and will post when they feel up to it.  They will also be able to read every comment you leave, but this page is dedicated for encouraging notes, verses, and prayers for anyone in the family.  I am sure John would love to hear from you!


  1. John's cousin, Thomas, cares a lot about him. He hopes that John can play with him soon.

  2. Erin and Jason...We are praying for wisdom, peace and comfort. If John has not heard a Freddie the turtle story, I bet he would love one. Carol always enjoyed them right before sneaking to the kitchen for cheese.

  3. First, you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers right now. John is on all of the church prayer lists here. We are so thankful that family and friends are with you to give you strength and support. Times like this are easier to bear when surrounded by their love.
    It's good to know that John has wonderful and caring doctors doing all they can to ensure that John has the best possible care and attention. We know that they are working hard to find answers and solutions.
    Thank you, Tina Lin, for the blog posts and updates letting the rest of us know what is happening.
    God blessed our family with John and we know he is safe in His loving care. Big hugs and lots of love to you all.

    Love, Aunt DiDi, Uncle Chris, & Julie

  4. We're praying God will heal John quickly. Our thoughts are with you all. Please let us know how we can help.
    With love, Aimee & Jonathan

  5. Praying for John and you whenever the Lord brings you to mind which is very often. Glad you are trying to cling to scripture and the Lord. Love and hugs to you all. Dianna Cate and family

  6. Jason, Erin, Joe, Kate, Kelly, my heart is mourning with you all and I will be sending prayers and love your way.

    I absolutely miss your children, they always bring such positive energy and happiness in Sunday School, which makes me miss them very much.

  7. Thinking of you all and praying for John's recovery. The Svenneby family

  8. Jason... I knew next to nothing about you and your family before following this blog. Continuing in prayer for you and Erin, your children, and especially for John. Great to see the pictures today of John looking so much better! Delighted to know you are a brother in Christ. Blessings -- Kris Wilson

  9. Hi John,
    We are so glad that you are feeling better today! God loves you very much!

    Jason and Erin,
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and struggles on this site. We can't help but smile and rejoice with you in all the steps in John's recovery. As you know, God is the greatest and all knowing physician. He has wonderful plans for John. We pray for rest, peace and strength for your whole family.
    Ben, Kathy and the Chin kiddos

  10. "The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17

    "Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken...Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge." Psalm 62:5-8

    Praying these words of truth for you this morning...

  11. 21 yrs of being Occupational Therapist(geriatric,but think is true for pediatric too), I have seen time & again that determined patients improve more quickly & do better in long run. After looking at todays coloring photos: Wow! That is one determined kid! Awesome! Praise God! :)

  12. It was so good to see you guys today. Erin, thanks for letting me read to your little man. Emma was upset when I picked her up after school because she misunderstood what I said this morning and thought she was going to see Ms. Erin and John-boy today. We are all thrilled that he continues to make progress. We love you!

  13. A care package is on the way for John from his friends he met in China.

    Tell the whole family we are sending hugs and prayers their way, and we are with them in spirit.

    Also, tell the older kids if I was with them, I would do “butt tongue” to cheer them up and make them laugh. (sounds gross but they will know what I mean!) :o)

    The Keenes (Neal, Laura, Max, Connor and Gwen) :o)

  14. Jason & Erin, I'm so sad to be far away during this difficult trial but am so glad to see how God is with you, meeting you and strengthening you. Glad that in answer to many prayers He is bringing John back to wholeness. I love you guys so much, pray for you often, and check your site for updates on a daily basis. Thanks so much for asking friends to keep everyone updated.


  15. We are so thrilled that John is now home with his family again. Hoping and praying that Erin is having a blessed mother's day. Love you guys!
