Wednesday, April 30, 2014


John had another good day according to his nurse.  He was able to taste a couple of popsicles during the day.  Erin and nurse Julie gave him a shampoo and bath on the bed.  His lungs sound better so the Jiggle Jacket therapy was ordered to be stretched out to 6 hrs going forward.  Respiratory Therapy will continue as long as he is laying down for most of the day and not able to cough on his own.  Therapy will probably stop once he is able to get up and move around.  He was able to sit and hold his head up on his own for a significant amount of time.  He showed a lot of determination in coloring today.

He wanted to keep going even when he could no longer hold his head up so he was propped up with various pillows.

Even when his head continued to slump and he could barely keep his eyes above level of the paper, he was determined to finish his drawing for his buddy.  It is that kind of determination that is going to get him through this.

Jason and Erin's friends have continued to contact me with encouraging words and support to pass along.  Tonight I received this photo of the very moment John and the rest of the Rowland family first met.

(Jason on left in red, Erin holding John on right, Joe in yellow, Kate next to Joe, Erin's mom behind Erin in blue)

Prayer Requests:
- Jason's mom to be able to move to Denver temporarily.  She is planning for the move this weekend and to arrive in Denver by Sunday afternoon as long as her husband's boss says okay tomorrow
- John to continue to make significant steps in body strength so that he can start getting up and moving around
- stamina for Jason and Erin to keep juggling hospital, work and home life

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